Art Commissions

I offer art commissions! Feel free to message me to ask if I have a slot open! You will need to provide proof of ownership for all paid bases/sticker packs before commissioning me.
Art commissions are calculated as follows: Size + Use Case/Reference Sheet Base Price/Sticker Pack Base Price.
Subscribers to my Ko-Fi will get discounts based on the tier they subscribed to, so long as the email used can be provided.
See the "things I won't trade for" section of the Trades section for a list of things I won't take commissions for.
Sizes, in Pixels(px):
- Tiny; 500px by 500px max size: $2 USD
- Small; 1000px by 1000px max size, 501px by 501px min size: $4 USD
- Medium; 2000px by 2000px max size, 1001px by 1001px min size: $6 USD
- Large; 3000px by 3000px max size, 2001px by 2001px min size: $8 USD
- Extra Large; 4000px by 4000px max size, 3001px by 3001px min size: $10 USD
- Custom; this is for sizes larger than Extra Large only: $12 USD
Use Cases:
Symbol/Shape/Marking: $5 USD
Logo: $10 USD
Art Piece/Icon: $15 USD
Poster/Flyer: $20 USD
Thumbnail/Banner: $25 USD

VRChat Avatar Commissions

I offer avatar commissions! Feel free to message me to ask if I have a slot open! You will need to provide proof of ownership for all paid assets/avatars/shaders before commissioning me.
Below is a playlist of my personal avatars, alongside a calculator that links to quote calculators, as examples of my work, and to the right is a list of my services.
Subscribers to my Ko-Fi will get discounts based on the tier they subscribed to, so long as the email used can be provided.
See the "things I won't trade for" section of the Trades section for a list of things I won't take commissions for.

Prices are calculated as follows: Model Price/Moogle on Skip4D Bat + Complexity/Artistic Liberty + the Price of Anything I Don't Already Own. Complexities are below.
Simple: $20 USD
Moderate: $30 USD
Complex: $40 USD
Extreme: $50 USD
Artistic Liberty: $88 USD
Moogle on Skip4D Bat: $60 USD
Avatar/Asset Texture Only
Prices are calculated as follows: Model Price + Complexity + the Price of Anything I Don't Already Own. Complexities are below.
Simple: $5 USD
Moderate: $10 USD
Complex: $15 USD
Extreme: $20 USD
Artistic Liberty: $58 USD

Quick and Cheap Services

Sometimes, I offer services that are quick for me to do, thus I price them cheaply.
These are not tied to commission slots and can be purchased at any time; they can also be put on hold at any time, so do be aware.

Currently Available Cheap Services:- Skip4D Chibi Base Model Setup
Just FBX: $10 USD
+ Unity Setup: + $5 USD
+ Substance Painter File Setup: $5 USD
- Substance Painter File for Model That Doesn't Have One
First FBX: $10 USD
+ Each Additional FBX: + $2 USD per additional FBX
- Converting Tropical Kangaroo 3.X Texture(s) to Tropical Kangaroo 4.X BETA
Per Body Texture: $5 USD
Per Eye Texture: $2 USD
Complete Avatar Bundle (one eye and body texture): $6 USD
- AvaTaur Quest/Low-Poly Model Texture Conversion (this requires one body and one eye texture)
Standard Texture: $6 USD
+ Eye and/or Body Emission: $1 USD per Mask
- Skip4D Puppy Base Quest Texture (this requires one body and one eye texture)
Standard Texture: $6 USD
+ Eye and/or Body Emission: $1 USD per Mask

Trades and Deals

I don't always offer trades, but when I do, it's usually an equal monetary value trade unless I really like the design.
All trades must be provided within a month of me being ready to provide my half, elsewise I will rescind my half of the bargain in order to prevent getting scammed.
If you are unable to provide your half due to life getting in the way, please let me know as soon as possible so I can make sure to provide my half as soon as you're ready.

Seller's Discount: up to 25% off on a commission if you agree to let me sell it no earlier than a week after you get the files; you'll get a free code for its listing on Gumroad and/or Ko-Fi, whichever you prefer, so you can stay up to date. For the code, I WILL be looking for an account with the same email as the account you used to pay for the com, though, to prevent the wrong people from stealing the code.
Buyer -> Seller's Plan: If you want to sell the commission afterwards, it will cost an additional $100 USD on top of the com's price. You will need to credit me,linking back to either my digital shops, YT, commissions Carrd, Linktree, and/or Discord server will do just fine. You also cannot price it above what the com would've cost without the additional $100 USD. You will also need to provide a code for one free copy so I can have a copy of it on whatever digital shop's account library, as a sort of "yes, you may use this in your own projects." Please wait no less than a week after you get the file(s) before putting it up for sale.

What I won't trade for:
- Avatars made for/insinuating ERP
- Cub/Babyfur art
- Art depicting/insinuating copulation
- Avatars that are on bases that do not have a separate SFW version available for standalone purchase or are NSFW by default (Foxipaws, for example)
- In exchange for a commission from me
- Thiyenid
- Anything revolving around pregnancy because I'm tokophobic
- Anything to do with babies
- Without trade partner proving ownership of avatar model(s)/asset(s)
- Traced art
- AI content that isn't listed as AI content
- Stolen content
- Avatars/characters I already own

I have digital shops!

Sometimes, I make textures, normal maps, and masks for various avatars, as well as premade art and bases! I have a Ko-Fi shop and a Gumroad, and my Ko-Fi has subscriptions that can net you discounts on my commissions!
Every purchase means more to me than you know.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you pronounce canizou?
A. Cane-ih-zoo.
2. What models/assets/shaders do you have?
A. It's way easier for you to tell me what you want me to use for your com than for me to list everything I own.
3. Why do I need to be 18+ in order to get a commission using a Ghostly model, even if it's the SFW version?
A. This is due to the fact that there is an NSFW version of the model available, on top of the fact that it's exceedingly difficult to decern the two apart without looking at the features the completely nude model has. I also feel better knowing that no minors have access to models people might mistake as ERP ready models because they commissioned me to use it; in short, I want to avoid giving creeps a way to be nasty to minors because their SFW avatar looked like an NSFW one.
4. I don't like what you made me. Do you offer refunds?
A. Due to money being tight right now, no, though I do offer exchanges and edits; edits are free for the first month starting from the date you received the .unitypackage and/or download link, though. Exchanges are for equal value, and all files relating to that commission must be removed from your accounts/devices after I received the files.
5. Can I commission you for something you can later sell?
A. Yes, absolutely! Provide me with your email and I'll provide you with a free, one-time use coupon for it on Gumroad, Ko-Fi, or both, so you can have it backed up somewhere say you lost the files. Your email is needed so I can confirm that the coupon code is only used by you. If you give away that code, you are blacklisted from my shops and blocked.
6. What's your ToS?
A. That's a WIP thing, but it's basically:
- Do not claim to have made the textures/art/avatar I made for you.
- Do not use commissions/purchased content from me to promote politics/hate.
- Give credit to me, SpeedRunner Fuchs-Wulf, SonicMutou on YT, or Canizou Creations if you intend to sell off what I made you.
- Do not make what I made for you public unless you specifically ordered something that can be public.
- Do not use commissions made by me in AI.
7. May/Can I join your team?
A. Depends, but you have to be 18+ either way due to my comfort level around minors being low. If it's Canizou Creations, no, not at this time. If it's my YouTube, SonicMutou, then yes, I could always use an editor or another subtitler. If it's my Discord server, meaning mods/admins, then you have to be in my server for at least six months without any infractions, and I need to know you and trust you for that long as well. Longform short of it all, if I don't know and trust you, the answer is likely no. On top of, since money's tight, I'll be unable to pay you; do note this.
8. Are your coms open?
A. I do not have this listed anywhere else, but message me on Tumblr/Discord and I will answer this. Most likely, yes, but since I only have a maximum of three slots available, it's just as likely that I'm booked solid.
9. I can't pay right away. Can I pay you later/pay part now?
A. No, and this is due to the fact that I want to avoid having people skip out on paying me. I can reserve a commission slot for you for the next three months until you can pay in full. If you would like, we can consult on ways to fit a commission into your budget.
10. Why won't you trade/do a commission including [thing from the "things I won't trade for" list]?
A. Because of the following:
- I am asexual.
- I have enough tokophobia that I get uncomfortable dealing with babies/pregnant people and things that depict that.
- I find sexualizing minors to be disgusting.
Please do not attempt to slip stuff that I am uncomfortable handling into trades or commissions. I will blacklist you.
11. Why do I have to be 16+ to commission you?
A. Because I do not like being around minors, partially due to the many bad actors in that demographic typically being younger than 16.
12. Why do you have a DM policy?
A. Because someone who hated me sent a friend, who I did not know, to harass me in Discord DMs. The anxious, panicking feeling of "who are you, what do you want, what do you know?!" that showed up when random people DM me without letting me know prior is why I now charge $10 USD an hour consultation fee to those who randomly show up in my DMs in order to make the anxious panic worth it for me. If you made it this far to ask/think this question, you should read the DM policy, as it lists ways to mitigate said consulting fee. The fee is only for those who suddenly, randomly show up in my DMs without talking to me elsewhere prior.

DM Policy

My DMs are not open for random messages without people asking first. This is because strangers in my DMs makes me anxious.
In order to DM me, please do one of the following:
- Send an ask via my Tumblr asking to DM me
- Join my Discord server and @ me (SpeedRunner) there asking to DM me
- Send a friend request in VRChat and talk to me in game
- Send a friend request and a Tell in Final Fantasy XIV asking to DM me
When using any of these methods, please include your reason for wanting to DM me; you don't need to be overly wordy, just the gist will work.
If you are my friend or a prior customer, you do not not need to abide by this.
If you are neither a prior customer or a current friend, you will be charged a $10 USD an hour consultation fee to make my sudden onset panicked anxiousness worth my while; payment is due at first message you send to me.
This is non-negotiable. Your commission(s)/question(s) do(es) not warrant giving me anxiety.

Contact Me

Below are buttons that lead to my Tumblr, Discord server, VRC account, YouTube, Final Fantasy XIV main, and Linktree.
I am best available most days around 10:00pm CST, unless otherwise noted.